This website has been created by the Flemish Short Mat Bowls Federation. Not only to promote and encourage the sport of Short Mat Bowls. But also to supply information to established clubs and players. With news about local, national and international competitions.
The Belgian ( Flemish ) Short Mat Bowls Federation organizes their annual National Championships, for members only, on four separate Sundays and also eight Open Tournaments, in which anybody can participate.
You can find the calendar under the menu Calendar. Also you can find the results of the National Championships, the Open Tournaments and club tournaments under the menu Competitions.
At this moment there are 17 clubs affiliated to the Belgian ( Flemish ) SMBF. The contact details of these clubs can be found under the menu Clubs.
Since the General Meeting of 5th May 2018 the name of the Federation has been changed from the Flemish Curve Bowls Federation to the Flemish Short Mat Bowls Federation.
The current committee is made up of : Chairman : Johan Stevens; Vice Chairman : Jonathan Payne; Secretary : Martin Theunissen; Treasurer : Dominique Poot; Fair-play Officer : Roby Vannoppen; Administration Officer : René Theunissen; Head Umpire : Martin Theunissen. Each club is entitled to send a member to the committee meetings and two voting members to the Annual General Meeting.
The Flemish Short Mat Bowls Federation also has many Honorary Members: Honorary Treasurer: Raoul Hayen for 10 years of service to the Federation; Honorary Secretary: Jan Gielen for his many years of service to the Federation; Honorary Chairman: Ghislain Loix for his 25 years of service to the Federation; Honorary Administration Officer: Lizette Mandervelt for her many years of organizing the Superbowls and National Championships.
If you are interested in the History of the Flemish Short Mat Bowls Federation you can click here.